Law and legal studies

Biological and Individualistic Theories Revision
This worksheet supports students to review their knowledge of Biological and Individualistic Theories. Students are encouraged to summarise key ideas on the knowledge, evaluation and links to social policies.

WJEC Unit 2 - Criminology (Pressure Group Campaigns- AC 4.3))
9 mark practice question on Pressure Group Campaigns (AC4.3) and their impact on social policy making. I have also created a marking criteria - referencing INQUEST, British Lung Foundation (BLF) and Protection Against Stalking (PAS).

WJEC - Unit 2: Pressure Group Campaigns Guidance
This resource outlines key information for AC4.3 on Pressure Group Campaigns. It breaks down the key ideas of INQUEST, Protection Against Stalking (PAS) and The British Lung Foundation (BLF). This resource should support students to answer practice exam questions on Pressure Groups and how they can impact social policy.